Potato salad with endori veggie schnitzel

endori veggie schnitzel

recipe method

  1. Wash the potatoes and cook or steam for approx. 20 min. until they are cooked.

  2. For the dressing, bring the vegetable stock to the boil once and mix with balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and sugar and season to taste. Let the cooked potatoes cool briefly, then cut them in half and marinate with the dressing while still warm.

  3. Peel the onion, wash and clean the radishes and cut both into fine slices. Drain the capers well. Wash the herbs and chop them coarsely. When the marinated potatoes are only lukewarm, add the vegetable broth mixture, herbs and oil, mix loosely and season again.

  4. Fry the endori veggie schnitzel with sufficient oil over medium heat on both sides for a total of approx. 4-5 min. until golden brown and up to a core temperature of 73 °C.

  5. Tip: The potato salad can also be easily modified by adding pesto or pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil instead of the vegetables.

Bon appétit!

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